Carrots and other root crops
Root crops like Carrots require a high attention of the farmer. Especially youth growth is precarious as it is very slow and physiological stress and pressure of weeds can be tremendous. Rooting crops require high amounts of Potassium which reduces drought stress. Nutrients can be applied efficiently by foliar fertilization and cure severe deficiencies effectively.
Key nutrients:
Potassium deficiency is most common on sandy soils soon after germination, because soil levels are often low and applied potassium quickly leaches out of the root zone. Potassium deficiency causes reddish foliage discoloration, starting on older leaf margins. Marginal yellowing and scorching of cotyledons and older leaves are symptoms of severe deficiency. Potassium deficiency can easily be confused with water stress of seedlings being established during hot periods in summer or with damage caused by thrips in spring.
Nitrogen deficiency symptoms are common in carrots close to harvest. Symptoms express as yellowing of old leaves with associated red tints in old and young leaves. Single leaflets on older leaves show a bleached, whitish discoloration on their tips. Another symptom is a light green color of the complete leaf, being visible on older leaves first. The plant growth is heavily stunted.
A typical deficiency symptom often attributed to Boron is browning below the skin. Moreover, inadequate supply of Boron causes reduction of germination and seedling growth. Later on, newly emerging leaves show a yellow-green, chlorotic tint.
Product recommendation carrots

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