A well-balanced nutrient supply of the plants ensures highest yields. Anyway,all fertilizer applications need to be adjusted to the local soils. Foliar fertilization helps to supply nutrients as an addition to liming and basic fertilization. In particular, micronutrients can be applied efficiently in times of rapid growth. Especially Boron is immobile and is needed in higher quantities shortly before flowering.
Key nutrients:
Nitrogen deficiency can be recognized when the plants appear stunted. Older leaves become paler or yellow, as Nitrogen is very mobile within plants. Stems are thinner and branching is reduced resulting in a thin and poor stem. Moreover, flowering is reduced and periods of flowering as well as ripening are shortened. The decrease of flower base and seed size has a significant impact on yield.

Sulphur plays an essential role for sunflowers as it is a component of proteins and lipids. If it is deficient, synthesis will be inhibited. As proteins are located in chloroplasts, plants show paler leaves. As Nitrogen and Sulphur are relevant for the production of proteins, there is a close relationship between the supplies of the two nutrients within the plant. High rates of Nitrogen can cause deficiencies of Sulphur if the supply is not sufficient. But the efficiency of Nitrogen uptake is improved with an adequate supply of Sulphur. Deficiency can be seen when the color of the youngest leaves appears yellowish.

Boron has a key role in cell wall biosynthesis, carbohydrate and protein metabolism as well as in cell division and cell elongation. Boron is involved in root and shoot growth. It is therefore critical for the plant during rapid growth in autumn and stem elongation in spring. Boron is required for pollen germination and pollen tube growth ensuring adequate pod set. High contents of Boron result in higher yields. Deficiency is hardly visible before the first flower buds appear. Leaf analysis helps to prevent deficiency at an early point.
Product recommendation sunflower

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